Panel Start
Panel Start / Styles
Bedingte Formatierung
Viele der Formatierungen sind direkt über die Auswahl in den folgenden Menüs wählbar.
Darüberhinaus bieten die letzten drei Zeilen im Untermenü auch die Möglichkeit, individuelle Regeln zu erstellen, zu bearbeiten oder zu entfernen.
Panel Start / Styles / Conditional formatting
Panel Start / Styles / Conditional formatting / upper and lower rules
Panel Start / Styles / Conditional formatting / Data bars
Panel Start / Styles / Conditional formatting / Color scales
Panel Start / Styles / Conditional formatting / Symbol sets
Panel Start / Styles / Conditional formatting / Manage rules
The mentioned options can also be created manually. Below you can see an overview of the basic rules. Applied with the appropriate parameters and supplemented with the query values, the conditional formatting allows a quick visual assessment of the list, as it is also applied to the other added values when the spreadsheet is updated.
Panel Start / Styles / Conditional formatting / Other rules
Als Tabelle formatieren
Panel Start / Styles / Format as table
Stile für die Zellen
Preview of the first two cells
Tables is equipped with a special intelligence when it comes to formatting.
The formatting that you manually assign to the first affected elements in the table is automatically applied to the subsequent elements in the table.
This means that headings that you assign an accentuated color and a special font will also become part of your list in the same hierarchy after the next update.
More styles
Status: 11.08.2023
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